Monday, January 26, 2009

Fence Posts and Other Things

The week before last, Dane got all the logs drug up here from the forest, and since he has been cutting fence posts and putting them along the new fence line.

He has learned to make pretty straight cuts with the chainsaw.

After cutting three or four logs, he had most of the posts he needed, so we have a lot more wood left for other things. You can see some of the cut posts along the chicken yard fence line.

Here is a picture of the posts that he has put in for the front gate.

We enjoyed a walk to the neighbor's property to pick pears this past Sabbath morning.

On the way there, we saw this bamboo shoot (Elijah is standing in front of it) that was tiny two weeks ago, but as you can see the bamboo grows very quickly around here.

After we picked pears, we went to check the banana plants to see if the bananas were ripe yet, but they are still too small.

This pretty plant was growing near the bananas.

And this is the view from the banana plants. You can see our house off in the distance.

And on our way back to the house, we found a wild squash vine and picked two nice sized squash and have enjoyed eating them the past couple of days. We love finding wild things to eat around here. We are so thankful that even when some of our crops are struggling, the Lord has blessed us with other fruit of the land.

Yesterday afternoon, we went down to the river to swim and our neighbor, Javier was there fishing. After swimming for a while, he, Dane, and David decided to climb the cliff that separates that particular part of the river from the rest of our property, and they made a very interesting discovery. They found one of our missing goats, or at least her skull. The one that escaped fifteen minutes after Dane got her home from the man he had bought her from. She had made herself at home in a cleft of the cliff and apparently the strap that Dane had wrapped around her horns had gotten stuck on a spine and she had gotten tangled up around some other trees. It appears that she lived there comfortably for a while before becoming tangled. Though we are sad that we lost her, we are glad to know what became of her. Maybe someday we will discover what happened to the mother and her baby that escaped a few weeks later.

Lastly, here is a picture of a strange little bug that Dane found the other day. It was very brightly colored, orange and blue, and ran around with its tail curled up in the air in a defensive mode like a scorpion.


Nancy M. said...

It's so beautiful where you live! I enjoy reading about your family life there.

Donaldson Family said...

Thank you Nancy. We appreciate your interest and your comments too! Have a great day!

Jessica Donaldson