Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I killed and butchered my first chicken today, an old rooster! It went well. Susana was here to help me and give me moral support. I wanted to try skinning the chicken, feathers and all, instead of removing the feathers and then skinning the bird, so that is what we did.

We decided to butcher most of the chickens (one a week) that we bought from the neighbor in town and replace them with new chickens. We really don't have any idea how old these chickens are and the hens' egg production is really poor. We are only getting one or two eggs every three days now.

I put the meat in the freezer and will cook it tomorrow. I will let you know how it turns out.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am so impressed! That is a great idea to skin it with the feathers in. Was it hard? Dogs got one of our chickens a few days ago and chewed on another one today. Pretty tramatizing for Pawnae!
Loving and missing you !!!!