Friday, February 16, 2007

Joseph Timothy Donaldson


Sorry it has taken so long to get this information out. We are so busy here that time just flies by. The baby is doing great. I feel great too. He is very quiet and just precious. No, we didn’t name him John Daniel. He just looked more like a Joseph, so his name is Joseph Timothy. The 3050 grams turns out to be the equivalent of 6.7 pounds or technically 6 lbs 12 ozs. He is muy pequeno (very small) compared to the last four of our babies, probably why my labor was so easy and short. I was in mild labor for about two hours and fifty four minutes – hard labor for about 6 minutes – and we went to the clinic when my water broke. Joseph was born ten minutes after we arrived at the clinic – not enough time for the doctor to arrive, or my husband for that matter who left the room momentarily to check on the children in the hallway.

I have included some pictures for you to enjoy. We pray you are all doing well. Take care.


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