Dane left for Buenos Aires last night to complete Joseph's United States citizenship documentation and to complete some other paperwork for our land title here in Argentina. From Buenos Aires he will fly to Pennsylvania for two weeks to spend some time with our good brother, Jim.
It seems that Jim's cancer is continuing to spread. He now has tumors in his liver, his chest, and one pressing upon his brain. Jim is at peace with what the Lord has given him. You can read his latest post on his blog at the following address:http://jmhj.blogspot.com.
Please pray for Jim, his wife Pamela, his extended family and friends, and for Dane as he travels to and from the United States again.
Dane took our camera with him, but I will continue to keep you updated over the next couple of weeks.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
We had a great week and are enjoying some of our first fruits of spring. Everything seems to be growing well and we are trying to stay on top of the watering and weeding. We haven't had any rain in a couple of weeks, so we have had plenty of dry days for working outside.
Sarah completed her 5th grade curriculum on Tuesday. We are very proud of her, as she worked very hard to finish up all her subjects just a couple weeks past our original stop date that we extended due to our long winter break. Now she will get to take a break from her studies until we start our next school year in March. She has been such a help this week, making bread, tending the chickens, cutting vegetables for lunch, etc, etc. Her siblings still have several weeks until they complete their schoolwork, but there does appear to be an end in sight.
In the following video, you can see how laundry is hung when the correction (corrección) is moving through. It requires a lot of fancy footwork and can be quite amusing to watch though not experienced directly.
Sarah completed her 5th grade curriculum on Tuesday. We are very proud of her, as she worked very hard to finish up all her subjects just a couple weeks past our original stop date that we extended due to our long winter break. Now she will get to take a break from her studies until we start our next school year in March. She has been such a help this week, making bread, tending the chickens, cutting vegetables for lunch, etc, etc. Her siblings still have several weeks until they complete their schoolwork, but there does appear to be an end in sight.
In the following video, you can see how laundry is hung when the correction (corrección) is moving through. It requires a lot of fancy footwork and can be quite amusing to watch though not experienced directly.
The corrección consists of a particular type of ant that travels in armies by the thousands in search for a new home. They cover the ground in an area so that it appears to be moving. The ants are quite determined and don't bother much during their move which typically lasts only about an hour or two, but if someone unknowingly disturbs them, the result is often painful as you can imagine.
Well that is about all that I have for now. Have a blessed Sabbath Day!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
More First Fruits
Dane had two and half of our bee supers processed yesterday at the honey coop in Obera and he walked away with about 12 gallons of honey which comes to about 110 pounds! INTA, the ag coop in town, was promoting their new honey extraction facility, so there was a television crew on scene filming the process. For being there and helping, Dane got all the honey processed for free!
We enjoyed some honey this morning on pancakes....Mmmmm, and after lunch we made butter and honey rolls.....Mmmmm, for our Sabbath morning breakfast.
Thanks be to the Lord for this wonderful provision and we look forward to eating, sharing, and maybe even selling some of the honey.

We enjoyed some honey this morning on pancakes....Mmmmm, and after lunch we made butter and honey rolls.....Mmmmm, for our Sabbath morning breakfast.
Thanks be to the Lord for this wonderful provision and we look forward to eating, sharing, and maybe even selling some of the honey.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
New Washing Machine?
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Farmer José invites you to check out some of the things that are growing around here.

Cucumber plants.... about 70

In this picture: carrots, green onions, swiss chard, green beans, and cabbage
This is one of our two corn fields. Dane spaced the corn out so that we could plant beans and squash between the plants. This past week after two full weeks of hoeing Dane, Elijah, David and the Lima boys, Ricardo, Lucas, and Matias finished hoeing it and the girls planted lima beans next to the corn stalks and about six different varieties of summer and winter squash between the corn plants.
Last week in the larger field that Dane had finished plowing, he, his helpers and the children planted potatoes, corn, and black beans. We still have more potatoes to plant and the areas that didn't get planted we will plant, Lord willing, the rest of the miscellaneous seeds that we have left.
One of our chickens laid an egg prematurely last week - it didn't have a shell. But it was still just an egg on the inside. Our neighbor joked that it was fine to eat, but we'd never get a chick out of it.
The man who makes yokes in our area, Mr. Hector Dos Santos, made and delivered a yoke for our two young bulls that Dane hopes to make oxen. It is beautiful and Dane looks forward to having time to train them.

Dane also cut down two dead trees yesterday morning and made these stairs to get up into the second story more easily. He hopes to begin laying the floor for the second story this next week. Anyway, the stairs turned out really nice and eventually we will use them to get into the attic from the second story when Dane builds the staircase on the outside of the house.
The children really have enjoyed going up and down the stairs. We have had to keep a close eye on Farmer José who also likes to go up and down because at this point there is nothing to go up to - just rafters.

I forgot to mention in my last post that the new boxes that Dane gave our three bee hives were almost full of honey two weeks ago, so Dane prepared some supers and Elijah and Abigail painted them. He put them on the week before last and the bees are already working to fill their new additions. How exciting! Dane is making plans for a harvest soon.
Have a great week.

Cucumber plants.... about 70

Watermelon plants.... about 32
Tomato plants... about 200

In this picture: carrots, green onions, swiss chard, green beans, and cabbage

We also have about eight canteloupe plants growing, about a dozen okra, and about twenty voluntary sweet pea plants.
Last week in the larger field that Dane had finished plowing, he, his helpers and the children planted potatoes, corn, and black beans. We still have more potatoes to plant and the areas that didn't get planted we will plant, Lord willing, the rest of the miscellaneous seeds that we have left.
Our bell pepper seeds never sprouted, so I replanted some last week - we will see what happens. We either planted too early (they like really warm soil) or they are not tolerant of the soil conditions in which we are trying to grow them. The egg plant seeds never sprouted either, but we likely won't replant those this year. Furthermore, some pest decided to eat up all of our lettuce seedlings, so we hope to replant them in the coming week.
On to other things.....
One of our chickens laid an egg prematurely last week - it didn't have a shell. But it was still just an egg on the inside. Our neighbor joked that it was fine to eat, but we'd never get a chick out of it.

Dane also cut down two dead trees yesterday morning and made these stairs to get up into the second story more easily. He hopes to begin laying the floor for the second story this next week. Anyway, the stairs turned out really nice and eventually we will use them to get into the attic from the second story when Dane builds the staircase on the outside of the house.

I forgot to mention in my last post that the new boxes that Dane gave our three bee hives were almost full of honey two weeks ago, so Dane prepared some supers and Elijah and Abigail painted them. He put them on the week before last and the bees are already working to fill their new additions. How exciting! Dane is making plans for a harvest soon.
Dane also prepared two nucleus boxes and put them out in the forest in the hopes of attracting two more hives. Honey is a high demand product in these parts and it is hard to come by. We haven't been able to find any in the store for about three months now. The local ag extension office has a coop that will extract local farmers' honey and bottle it and put the individual farmer's name on the label for a small fee. Until we aquire all the necessary equipment, it sounds like a great deal for getting our honey processed.
We are so very grateful to the Lord for all these blessings. We pray that we are good stewards with the things He has entrusted us with. Furthermore, we pray that the Lord sees fit to bless us with fruit enough for ourselves and for our neighbors.
Have a great week.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
A Time to Sow
The weather has been beautiful here and spring is in full swing. We continue to plant and prepare to plant in different places around the farm. Dane is nearing the completion of plowing the field that we planted corn in last year. The field was rough planted then (Dane just burned the vegetation and cleaned it up enough to put the corn seed in the ground) and it has never been plowed until now, so it has been a lot of work clearing rocks, roots, tree stumps, etc. It has been hard on the little crawler tractor too, with Dane breaking the suspension once, a plow blade another time, and bending another plow blade possibly beyond repair. Dane increased the field about three times the size that it was last year in order to plant potatoes, black beans, and corn. Last year we grew enough corn to feed our chickens for about six months, so we are excited about the possibility of growing more and being able to provide for all the animals for the year. Below is a picture of the part of the field that is ready for planting.
We have also been cleaning up around the little corn plants in the other field in preparation to plant lima beans and squash. In fact, the girls started planting lima beans yesterday, until Dane who was clearing out some weeds with the tractor in some of the wider spots between the corn turned the tractor over on its side. Thankfully, no one was hurt, but the planting came to a halt as all the children watched with amazement as their father, who has got to be the strongest man in the world to them, winched the tractor right side up with chains, straps, and a strong old stump left in the ground up in the field.
We have also gotten three long rows of tomatoe plants planted in the garden and hope to get another one planted this week.
Here is a picture of some huge leeks that grow wild around here. We have many in our garden and I use them for cooking all the time, but all of them started from wild leeks that the children gathered from around the farm and transplanted into the garden.

We have been enjoying the first fruits of spring. The Brazilian Cherry trees on our property have yielded their fruit and we have enjoyed the picking and the eating. We also discovered another type of cherry tree in the pasture. The berries taste just like a bing cherry and have the same type of flesh and texture, but some have two or three smaller seeds instead of one. Anyway, we have enjoyed them alot too.
Dane and Erik Barney worked on the hydroelectric project this past week. Barney brought a turbine that was built at the university to be tested on Dane's setup, but it didn't make much power because this particular type of turbine is really not suited for the situation that we have on our creek. The professor was very impressed with the piping and dam and the force of the water coming through the pipe which is encouraging to Dane. With the right type of turbine, we could possibly have enough energy to power several houses. So, the project continues and Dane is still contemplating building his own turbine or purchasing a prefabbed turbine.

The cows and chickens are doing well. We are still getting around a gallon of milk a day from our cow, who appears to be holding back on us, but we are very pleased with a gallon. And, our egg production has increased to fifteen eggs on average per day.

Where do little boys who have just had bathes go? Straight to a muddy spot in the yard - that's where.

We went and played in the creek this morning and the children have just returned from there again this afternoon.
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